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Updated 30/12/2015



INFO 02/12/2011

Ste Eulalie (Bordeaux) Concours d’automne.

It is several years since we made an excursion like this and on the morning of Sunday 16th October nine of us left for Ste Eulalie in a minibus, completely full. Our four new young control line pilots were on the journey to take part in their first competition. The weather was superb, without wind and with beautiful sun. It was a pity that the participation was limited, as often in competitions of end of the year, and a shame for those who did not come.

Eight pilots took part in national acrobatics and four in international acrobatics. Louis Flichot (CMR), with two beautiful flights won his first national competition ahead of Jacques Braud (MRCSE), third was Killain Caillaud (CMR) who performed his first inverted flight in contest. Then came Steve Marshall and our four new colleagues classified with varying fortune but not without merit and the CMR has great hopes for them. Michel Caillaud (CMR) won the F2B contest ahead of Serge Delabarde (CMR), Alain Boussard (CMC) and Aime Gilbert (MRCSE).

It only remains for us now to prepare the equipment during the winter so that each one can blossom during the spring contests.






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